The ID of an affiliated organization, if the user comes from an affiliated link. This is set to 0 if the user it not associated with an affiliated organization.
The date and time at which this user record was created, in ISO 8601 format.
Email address of the user; “”.
Has your organization verified this email as correct and operational? True if yes; false if no. Defaults to false.
The ID of the Order Management System with which the user is associated.
Not currently used. Returns an empty string.
A date and time in ISO 8601 format. Reserved.
Usually contains an empty string. Contains a GUID — a globally unique ID string — during the time that a new user has been sent a registration email and before the user clicks the confirmation link.
Captures the ID of the person who referred this account member to the trading venue, usually for marketing purposes. Returns 0 if no referrer.
Reserved for future use. Currently returns an empty string
True if the user must use two-factor authentication; false if the user does not need to use two-factor authentication. Defaults to false.
ID number of the user whose information is being set.
Log-in name of the user; “jsmith”
Generated using TypeDoc
The ID of the default account with which the user is associated.