Not currently used.
The reason that an order has been changed. Values:
A user-assigned ID for the order (like a purchase-order number assigned by a company). ClientOrderId defaults to 0
Shows 0
The quantity available to buy or sell that is publicly displayed to the market. To display a DisplayQuantity value, an order must be a Limit order with a reserve
The ID of the user who entered the order in this account.
Best Ask price available at time of entry (generally available to market makers)
Quantity available at the best inside ask price (generally available to market makers).
Best Bid price available at time of entry (generally available to market makers).
Quantity available at the best inside Bid price (generally available to market makers).
The ID of the instrument being ordered.
True if both parties to a block trade agree that one party will report the trade for both. Otherwise false.
If this order is a quote (rather than an order), returns true, otherwise false. Default is false.
The price at which the instrument last traded.
The ID of the Order Management System on which the order was created.
The ID of this order
One of:
One of:
If the order has been changed, shows the original client order ID, a value that the client can create (much like a purchase order).
If the order has been changed, shows the original order ID.
If the order has been changed, this value shows the original quantity
Price of the order.
Quantity of the order.
This value states the quantity that was executed in the order. It may be the same as the quantity of the order; it may be different.
The time at which the system received the quote, in POSIX format
The time stamp of the received quote in Microsoft Ticks format.
If the order was rejected, this string value holds the reason
The open order can be Buy or Sell.
Generated using TypeDoc
The ID of the account ordering the instrument.