The ID of the adapter of the overall trade.
Your Client Order Id
Shows 0
Shows if this trade has moved the book price up, down, or no change. Values:
The ID of this account’s side of the trade. Every trade has two sides.
The fee for this trade in units and fractions of units (a $10 USD fee would be 10.00, a .5-BitCoin fee would be 0.5).
The ID of the product that denominates the fee. Product types will vary on each trading venue. See GetProduct.
The best (lowest) price level of the sell side of the book at the time of the trade.
The quantity of the best (lowest) price level of the sell side of the book at the time of the trade.
The best (highest) price level of the buy side of the book at the time of the trade.
The quantity of the best (highest) price level of the buy side of the book at the time of the trade.
The ID of the instrument being traded. See GetInstrument to find information about this instrument by its ID.
Returns true if the trade was a reported trade; false otherwise.
If this order is a quote.
One of the following potential liquidity provider of a trade.
The ID of the Order Management System to which the user belongs. A user will belong only to one OMS.
The ID of the order causing the trade.
The user ID of the user who entered the order that caused the trade for this account. (Multiple users can have access to an account.)
This value increments if the trade has changed. Default is 1. For example, if the trade busts (fails to conclude), the trade will need to be modified and a revision number then will apply.
One of the following potential sides of a trade.
The unit price at which the instrument traded.
The unit quantity of the trade.
The number of units remaining to be traded by the order after this execution. This number is not revealed to the other party in the trade. This value is also known as “leave size” or “leave quantity.”
Buy or Sell
Not currently used.
The ID of the overall trade.
The time at which the trade took place, in POSIX format and UTC time zone
The date and time stamp of the trade in Microsoft tick format and UTC time zone
The total value of the deal. The system calculates this as: unit price X quantity executed
Generated using TypeDoc
The Account ID that made the trade.