Unit amount of the product; for example, 10 or 138.5
Amount of currency held and not available for trade. A pending trade of 100 units at $1 each will reduce the amount in the account available for trading by $100. Amounts on hold cannot be withdrawn while a trade is pending.
The ID of the Order Management System (OMS) to which the user belongs. A user will only ever belong to one Order Management System.
Deposits accepted but not yet cleared for trade
Withdrawals acknowledged but not yet cleared from the account. Amounts in PendingWithdraws are not available for trade.
The ID of the product being traded. The system assigns product IDs as they are entered into the system Use GetProduct to return information about the product by its ID.
The symbol of the product on this account’s side of the trade. For example:
Total deposits on today’s date. The trading day runs between UTC Midnight and UTC Midnight.
Total withdrawals on today’s date. The trading day runs between UTC Midnight and UTC Midnight.
Total withdrawals during this month to date. The trading day runs between UTC Midnight and UTC Midnight — likewise a month begins at UTC Midnight on the first day of the month.
Generated using TypeDoc
Returns the ID of the user’s account to which the positions belong.