The amount of the withdrawal.
The ID of the asset in which the withdrawal is denominated, for example, US Dollar or BitCoin both have an associated AssetId. AssetId and ProductId are identical in numerical content. You must use AssetId here.
The ID of the Asset Manager module.
The readable name of the asset in which the withdrawal is denominated, for example, “US Dollar” or “BitCoin.”
A set of base-64 strings usually providing an image or a PDF. This image or file may be a transaction receipt or other information that the depositor wishes to attach to the deposit for record-keeping purposes.
Reserved for future use.
Any comment pertaining to the withdrawal
The time and date at which the withdraw ticket was created, in ISO 8601 format.
An external address supplied by the account provider to accept the withdrawal.
The amount of any fee that was charged for the withdrawal. FeeAmt is always denominated in the asset or product of the withdrawal, for example in US Dollars, BitCoin, or other currency, depending on the nature of the funds being withdrawn.
If the ticket has been updated, shows the time and date stamp of the update in ISO 8601 format; if the ticket has not been updated, shows the same time and date stamp as CreateTimestamp
The ID of the Order Management System
The ID of the operator of the trading venue on which the withdrawal request was made.
A GUID (globally unique ID) string that identifies this specific withdrawal.
The IP address from which the withdrawal was initiated, in either IPv4 dotted quad format or IPv6 format.
The ID of the user who made the original withdrawal reques
The name of the user who made the original withdrawal request.
The current status of the deposit, stated as an integer. One of:
Note: Withdraw tickets include Status values 8 through 10, which do not apply to deposit tickets. Status for GetAllWithdrawTickets and GetAllDepositTickets are numerical; other instances of Status are strings
See the TemplateForm object, following. The content of a template depends on the account provider that you use for deposits and withdrawals. This template is provided as a general reference example
The name of the template being used. The template controls the string/ value pairs in the TemplateForm object returned for each withdrawal. These vary by account provider
The name of the template being used. The template controls the string/value pairs in the TemplateForm object returned for each withdrawal. These vary by account provider
A system-assigned unique withdraw ticket number that identifies the withdrawal. The value for TicketNumber is returned by the Get~ calls: GetAllWithdrawTickets and GetWithdrawTicket.
The ID of any user who made an update to the withdraw ticket. Updates are most usually to Status.
The name of any user who made an update to the withdraw ticket. Updates are most usually to Status
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The ID of the account that made the withdrawal.