A user-assigned ID for the order (like a purchase-order number assigned by a company). This ID is useful for recognizing future states related to this order. ClientOrderId defaults to 0.
The quantity available to buy or sell that is publicly displayed to the market. To display a DisplayQuantity value, an order must be a Limit order with a reserve
The ID of the instrument being traded in the order
The amount by which a trailing limit order is offset from the activation price.
The price at which to execute the order, if the order is a Limit order
The ID of the Order Management System on which the order is being placed.
One Cancels the Other — If this order is order A, OrderIdOCO refers to the order ID of an order B (which is not the order being created by this call). If order B executes, then order A created by this call is canceled. You can also set up order B to watch order A in the same way, but that may require an update to order B to make it watch this one, which could have implications for priority in the order book. See CancelReplaceOrder and ModifyOrder.
The type of this order, as expressed in integer format. One of:
When entering a stop/trailing order, set PegPriceType to the type of price that pegs the stop.
The quantity of the instrument being ordered.
The side of the replacement order:
The price at which to execute the order, if the order is a Stop order (either buy or sell).
The period during which the new order is executable.
There may be other settings for TimeInForce depending on the trading venue
The offset by which to trail the market in one of the trailing order types. Set this to the current price of the market to ensure that the trailing offset is the amount intended in a fast-moving market.
If you enter a Limit order with a reserve, you must set UseDisplayQuantity to true
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The ID of the account placing the order.