The amount of the deposit. If you specify an Amount value, you must include AmountOperator
Tells the response to return tickets in ranges based on the Amount value. This string/value pair is required if you specify an Amount value. There is no AmountOperator setting for greater-than or less-than an Amount value.
The end of the period over which to return deposit tickets, in ISO 8601 format
Optional. The total number of deposit tickets to return in the array. Limit is a 32-bit integer value that can return over 4 billion tickets (4 thousand million). If Limit is not specified, all tickets are returned.
The ID of the Order Management System on which the deposit tickets reside
The ID of the operator of the trading venue.
Optional. The deposit ticket at which to start returning the array of deposit tickets, starting from 0, the most recent deposit ticket, and working backwards in time.
The start of the period over which to return deposit tickets, in ISO 8601 format.
The current status of the deposit. One of:
Note: The value of Status is an integer in the request for GetAllDepositTickets. In the response, it is a string..
The ID of a single deposit ticket that is unique across the Order Management System. By including a value for TicketId, you limit the returned information to a single ticket.
The name of the user making the deposit
Generated using TypeDoc
The ID of the account